Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lame idea?

I receive few bombs after i had post something about the government, which you guys can read it from the older messages in Cbox. I was wondering, what happened to Jasmine, bombarded my wall so much. It was out of my expectation that "she" will flame me like no tomorow. However, it was later found out that someone(god knows who is him/her) had actually imitate Jasmine. Thanks He Hui =D. Afterall, I feels that this is a good idea(if you are that evil), peoples might get irritated after receive those "kind" messages, and friendship can be ruin by this. Perhaps, you can imagine, I imitate the "secret admirer" at CCM blog, and propose to CCM that I will love him forever, take care of him =p, wondering whether CCM can sleep for that night or not^.^

Choo said my blog is too wordy T_T
So i am going to stop here,
and Jasmine, don't need to apologise for it,
its not your fault,
and credit to that SOMEONE for giving me so many comments.

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